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VHDL and AHDL Digital System Implementation
Author: Scarpino, Frank

Cover: Hard cover
Pages: 316
List Price: $62.00
Published by Prentice Hall PTR .
Date Published: 11/1997
ISBN: 0138570876

Table of Contents

Introduction                                       xi
  Part I  Theory and Applications in Altera          3  
  Hardware Description Language
    Chapter 1  An Introduction to Combinational      3  
    Logic and Hardware Description Language 
      1.1  Introduction                              3  
      1.2  A Combinational Logic Theorem             4  
        1.2.1  Combinational Theorem Using HDL       4  
      1.3  DeMorgan's Theorem                        7  
      1.4 DeMorgan's Theorem and HDL                 7  
      1.5  Implementation of a One-Bit Full Adder    8  
      1.6  An HDL Solution for a One-Bit Full        11 
      1.7  An Alternate HDL Solution for a           12 
      One-Bit Full Adder
      1.8  An HDL Four-Bit Ripple-Carry Adder        14 
      1.9  An Alternate Four-Bit HDL Full Adder      17 
        1.9.1  Timing Analysis of a Four-Bit Adder   20 
      1.10  An HDL Adder/Subtractor                  21 
        1.10.1  Additional Adder Hierarchy           22 
      1.11  Two-Level Logic Functions                24 
        1.11.1  Two-Level Nand-Nand Logical Forms    24 
        1.11.2  Two-Level Nor-Nor Logical Forms      26 
      1.12  Retrospective                            28 
      Chapter 1  Exercises                           28 
    Chapter 2  D-Type Memory, Basic Applications,    30 
    and HDL
      2.1  Basics of D-Type, One-Bit Memories        30 
      2.2  Asynchronous Inputs                       34 
      2.3  Building a Twisted Ring Counter with      37 
      2.4  A Reliable Twisted-Ring Counter Using     39 
      a Case Construction
      2.5  A Reliable Twisted-Ring Counter with      40 
      State Decoder
      2.6  A High-Speed Two-Bit Twisted-Ring         43 
      (Johnson) Counter
      2.7  Maximum Clock Rate for a Two-Bit          44 
      Johnson Counter
      2.8  Building a J-K Flip-Flop from a D-Type    46 
      2.9  Retrospective                             48 
      Chapter 2  Exercises                           49 
    Chapter 3  Elements of Control Logic             51 
      3.1  Looking Back: Control Logic for           51 
      Twisted-Ring Counters
      3.2  A Basic Form of Control Logic for         52 
      D-Type Flip-Flops
        3.2.1  An Eight-State Timing Generator       52 
        3.2.2  Controlling the State of a One        55 
        Bit, D-Type Flip-Flop
        3.2.3  A Three D Flip-Flop Illustration      59 
      3.3  A Loadable, Left-Right Shift Register     60 
      3.4  An Alternative Source File for a          63 
      Load/Hold/L-R Circular Shift Register
      3.5  Tri-State Control                         64 
      3.6  A Tri-State Interface for Registers       66 
      3.7  Retrospective                             68 
      Chapter 3  Exercises                           69 
    Chapter 4  An Overview of Counting Methods       72 
      4.1  Introduction                              72 
      4.2 Commentary on Twisted-Ring Counters        72 
      4.3  Natural Binary Counters                   73 
        4.3.1  Manual Truth Table Design for         73 
        Binary Counters
        4.3.2  HDL Truth Table for Binary Counters   79 
      4.4  Classical Nonbinary Counters              80 
        4.4.1  A Low-Performance Decade Counter      80 
        4.4.2  An Improved Decade Counter            82 
      4.4  A Duodecade Counter                       84 
      4.5  Polynomial Counters                       85 
        4.5.1  A Three-Bit Polynomial Counter        86 
        4.5.2  "Poly" Counters with Sequence         87 
        Lengths 3 through 65,535
        4.5.3  Autocorrelation and Maximal Length    89 
        4.5.4  Decoding Selected Vectors from a      100
        "Poly" Counter
      4.6  An Up-Down Counter Using Conditional      100
      4.7  A Ripple Counter                          102
      4.8  Gray-Code Counters                        106
      4.9  Retrospective                             109
      Chapter 4  Exercises                           109
    Chapter 5  A Simplified UART/PC COM Port         112
      5.1  Introduction                              112
      5.2  UART Signal Definition                    112
        5.2.1  Receiver Architecture                 113
      5.3  Creating the Correct Interface Voltage    114
      5.4  Asynchronous Signal Detection             115
      5.5  Sampling the Stream                       118
        5.5.1  Persistence in Processing             118
        5.5.2  Receiver Design                       121
        5.5.3  Overview of Receiver Design           121
        5.5.4  Receiver Logic Design                 123
      5.5  Retrospective                             128
      Chapter 5  Exercises                           128
    Chapter 6  Application of 7400-Series Library    131
      6.1  Introduction                              131
      6.2  A 74176-Presentable Decade Counter        132
      6.3  A 74181 Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)       136
      6.4  A 74176 Counter/7445 Decoder Timing       142
      6.5  A 74276 Library Register Macrofunction    145
        6.5.1 Introduction                           145
        6.5.2  Using the 74276 in a Text-Design      146
        6.5.3  Simulation                            148
      6.6  An Integrated Application of              148
      7400-Series Circuits
        6.6.1  Introduction                          148
        6.6.2  Text-Design File                      149
        6.6.3  Simulation                            150
      6.7  Retrospective                             150
      Chapter 6  Exercises                           152
    Chapter 7  State Machines in AHDL                154
      7.1  Introduction                              154
      7.2  The Moore Model of a State Machine        155
        7.2.1  A Simple Moore Machine                156
        7.2.2  A Moore Machine Sequence Detector     158
      7.3  The Mealy Model of a State Machine        161
        7.3.1  A Mealy-Machine Sequence Detector     161
      7.4  An FSM Monitor for a Maximal Length       164
      Sequence Generator
        7.4.1  Introduction                          164
        7.4.2  State-Machine Description             164
      7.5  Retrospective                             169
      Chapter 7 Exercises                            170
    Chapter 8  Application of Parametric Modules     172
      8.1  Introduction                              172
      8.2  An LPM Random Access Memory System        173
      8.3  A Library Digital-Phase Detector          178
      8.4  An LPM Four-Bit Multiplier                181
        8.4.1  Direct Instantiation of an LPM        184
      8.5  An NTSC Television-Signal Generator       187
        8.5.1  Introduction                          187
        8.5.2  An LPM NTSC Graphic-Design File       187
        8.5.3  Source File for Utilization of        188
        NTSC Library Function
      8.6  Retrospective                             190
      Chapter 8  Exercises                           190
  Part II  Introduction to Applications in VHSIC     195
  Hardware Description Language
    Chapter 9  An Introduction to VHDL               195
      9.1  Introduction                              195
      9.2  A Short Historical Note                   195
      9.3  A Prospective Glance                      196
      9.4  An Initial VHDL Counter                   196
      9.5  A Simple VHDL D-Type Flip-Flop            199
      9.6  A Negative-Edge Triggered Flip-Flop       201
      9.7  A VHDL D-Type Flip-Flop with              203
      Synchronous Preset and Clear
      9.8  A VHDL Flip-Flop with Active Low          205
      Asynchronous Preset and Clear
      9.9  A One-Bit VHDL Full Adder                 207
      9.10  A Four-Bit VHDL Adder                    210
      9.11  Retrospective                            211
      Chapter 9 Exercises                            211
    Chapter 10  A Semi-Formal Introduction to VHDL   213
      10.1  Introduction                             213
      10.2  Three Design Methods                     214
        10.2.1  A DataFlow D-Type Flip-Flop          214
        10.2.2  A Structural D-Type Flip-Flop        216
        10.2.3  A Behavioral (Sequential)            221
        10.2.4  A Clocked Behavioral D-Type          222
      10.3  A VHDL, Positive-Edge Detector           224
      10.4  A Behavioral Twisted-Ring Counter        228
        10.4.1  Twisted-Ring Counter Design          228
      10.5  VHDL State Machines                      231
        10.5.1  Ten-Bit VHDL Polynomial and          231
        Ordinal Counters
        10.5.2  A VHDL FSM State Machine Monitor     233
        for an m-Sequence Generator
      10.6  VHDL and a Classic 74283 Adder Circuit   239
      10.7  Retrospective                            242
      Chapter 10  Exercises                          242
    Chapter 11  Integer Types, User Types,           245
    Arrays, and Functions in Applications
      11.1  Introduction                             245
      11.2  Logic Vectors, Integers, and             245
      Companion Counters
      11.3  A Simple Integer Processor               249
      11.4  A Simple Integer Processor with          251
      Function Calls
      11.5  An Averaging Filter                      254
      11.6  A Binary Coefficient-Weight FIR Filter   256
      11.7  Retrospective                            261
      Chapter 11  Exercises                          261
    Chapter 12  A Simplified VHDL UART/COM Port      265
      12.1  Introduction                             265
      12.2  Receiver Architecture and Design         266
      12.3  Receiver Simulation                      273
      12.4  Alternative Means of Instantiating       275
      the Input Data Register
      12.5  Retrospective                            276
      12.6  Appendix 12A: An Alternate VHDL          277
      Receiver Source File
      12.A  An Alternate VHDL Receiver Source File   277
      Chapter 12  Exercises                          283
    Chapter 13  VHDL and Digital Filter Design:      287
    An Introduction
      13.1 Introduction                              287
      13.2  Sampling of Continuous Signals           287
      13.3  Frequency Content of Ideal Switching     291
      13.4  Frequency Content of the Sampled         292
      13.5  Infinite and Finite Impulse Response     294
      13.6  Finite Impulse Response Filters          295
      13.7  A Simple FIR Filter Illustration         296
      13.8 The Fourier-Series Method of FIR Design   298
        13.8.1  A Rectangular Prototype for          300
        Fourier Series Implementation
      13.9  Retrospective                            308
      Chapter 13  Exercises                          309
  Index                                              311