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About ShareCG

May 8th, 2015 by Team ShareCG

Why should I join

Reasons why the ShareCG community is the right place for you and your work.

  1. Buy and sell 3D Models, Textures, and a lot more…
  2. Showcase your work on a sleek (and continually improving) community site.
  3. Easily upload your art, video, and files.
  4. Reach an audience of hundreds of thousands of visitors. ShareCG is the fastest growing digital community on the web.
  5. Get valuable feedback, comments, and ratings from a community of artists to help you improve.
  6. Leave your comments and ratings to help your fellow artists improve and participate in the site’s lively community-based forum.
  7. Visitors can find your work fast and you can quickly find exactly what you are looking for. The thousands of items on ShareCG are easily searchable by category, tool, or format.
  8. Share your CG animations and video tutorials and we convert them into Flash video so you can embed your work anywhere across the web.
  9. Find a job using ShareCG’s extensive job matching service.
  10. Your own personalized portfolio. Place your best works — whether they are renderings, 3dmodels, or animations — into a Flash application that really showcases your work, that is easy to maintain, and that you that can embed anywhere on the web.

Does ShareCG cost anything?

No. It is absolutely free to use, get an account and upload. You also have an option to choose to sell your uploads if you like. You can read more about it at Seller page here>>

How come X user has so many hits and I don’t?

So far, the most successful users have been their own advertisers. They have uploaded their content to our site and linked to it from their social network.

How do I generate the most views with my ShareCG uploads?

Here are some tips that seem to help our most successful uploaders:

  • Link to your uploads from other websites, blogs, social networks, forums, your website, or wherever.
  • Make them great. The highest rated uploads get the most views.
  • Upload quality material that lots of people want.
  • Don’t upload minor variations on a theme – low quality uploads clog the system, don’t result in page-views for you, and may be rejected by ShareCG Admin.
  • Write clear descriptions, incorporating all keywords associated with your upload that someone might search for.
  • Categorize correctly. Do not post material in more than one category.
  • Don’t post something that is inappropriate, infringes copyright, or is spam. This could lead to a suspension of your account.
  • Take advantage of our 3D viewer
  • For 3D modeles Poser & DAZ studio, include the in the upload of the .obj files.

How do I report a bug or make suggestions?

Thanks for asking — we value our users feedback and opinions. Click here to report bugs or make suggestions.

Usage Rights Defined:

  • All rights reserved: You may only use this work or file for evaluation purposes. It is present on the website for display purposes only. If you wish to gain rights to the file, you must make an effort to contact the uploader and ask for specific permission.
  • Non-commercial use only: The displayed work or file cannot be used or modified and then used as a part of any venture or production that has the purpose of making a profit. It is likely the uploader intended the work or file to be used for educational or hobby-related uses only.
  • Limited use with credits: You may use this work or file in any way as long as you credit the original author of the work or file. This means that if the work is used in a film or movie, it should be credited along with the other accredited parties. If it is used in a final work of art, the author of the work or file needs to be credited in a way so that any person viewing the artwork would also naturally see the credits. In all other cases, use common sense and your best efforts to credit the author. If you do not know the actual name of the author, you may use their ShareCG username.
  • Unrestricted use: You may use the work or file for any purpose. You are not required to credit the author, although doing so would still likely be appreciated.

Category: ShareCG Site

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